Barbara Nemec
Barbara je biologinja in ljubiteljica narave. Kot študentka se je prvič spoznala s konceptom zero waste načina življenja, ki jo je popolnoma prevzel.
Ker je svoja spoznanja želela razširiti tudi med druge, je leta 2018 nastala Moja Cula<<, spletna trgovina z izdelki brez plastike in trajnostnimi izdelki za večkratno uporabo.
Njeno poslanstvo je, da s praktičnimi nasveti o načinu življenja z manj odpadki navduši čim več posameznikov in jim tako pokaže alternativo.
Barbarino predavanje na odru Noben me ne razume: BODI SPREMEMBA, KI JO ŽELIŠ VIDETI V SVETU
S tem ko živimo svojo resnico in dejansko smo sprememba, ki jo želimo videti v svetu, se začnejo veliko večje spremembe, kot če le iščemo izgovore in krivca v drugih. O moji poti do manj odpadkov in o tem, kako sem k tem povabila tudi druge.
Sobota 15. maj
Bodi sprememba, ki jo želiš videti v svetu
Saturday 15th Feb
Marketing Matters!
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Saturday 15th Feb
Reinventing Experiences
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Saturday 15th Feb
Cultures of Creativity
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Saturday 15th Feb
Human Centered Design
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Saturday 15th Feb
Little Tricks From The Dark Corners
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Sunday 16th Feb
Cultures of Creativity
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform
Sunday 16th Feb
Human Centered Design
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform