Miha Kavčič

član skupine Sestre

Rojen leta 1989 se je širši javnosti predstavil z udeležbo v resničnostnem šovu Kmetija. Ravno tam se je izpostavil kot homoseksualec, ki ima misijo razbijati tabuje in vsem na očeh živeti svojo pravo resnico, biti točno to, kar čuti, da je. Svojo pot je začel z udejstvovanjem na slovenski LGBT sceni. Postal je nov član drag skupine Sestre, nekaj časa deloval v New Yorku, prejel Prešernovo nagrado, vodil svojo oddajo in nizal uspehe na različnih področjih. Že od malih nog je čutil, da bo njegova zgodba nekaj posebnega. Sam verjame v prijazen svet, poln ljubezni in sprejemanja, kljub temu, da je resnica vendarle drugačna. Ravno pozitivni odzivi javnosti in posameznikov so tisti, ki ga ženejo naprej. Biti javno outiran gej v Sloveniji zna biti prav posebno doživetje in ravno to bo zgodba, s katero bo Miha popestril dogajanje na našem dogodku.

9.20 - 9.50 Miha Kavčič, član skupine Sestre

Sobota 15. maj

Kako živeti svojo resnico in si upati biti to kar si?

2.30 - 3.30 PM Seminar

Saturday 15th Feb

Marketing Matters!

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform

3.30 - 4.30 PM Workshop

Saturday 15th Feb

Reinventing Experiences

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform

4.30 - 5.30 PM Seminar

Saturday 15th Feb

Cultures of Creativity

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform

6.30 - 7.30 PM Workshop

Saturday 15th Feb

Human Centered Design

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform

09.00 - 11.30 AM Workshop

Sunday 16th Feb

Marketing Matters!

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform

9.30 - 10.30 AM Seminar

Sunday 16th Feb

Reinventing Experiences

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform

12.30 - 01.30 PM Workshop

Sunday 16th Feb

Human Centered Design

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform